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PoE cartridge for GS-B. 4 Eth. Ports, 150W max per port. For the configuration of each port a GigaKey hardware key is needed. (CambiumSync, Canopy Sync Compatible)
The cartridge provides power getting the synchro required by the Cambium 450m, can be used also for the 450i, accepting either +48V or -48V power sources.
Power Pinouts are configurable via 9dot key supporting almost any power injection scheme which is Gigabit-Compatible; only used for radios which do not require sync over power. Accepting either positive or negative power sources.
Every single port can be configured to handle a different type of injection map, with or without synchronization pulse. The configuration is simple and does not require any information technology skill: just plug the specific electronic Gigakey and the port is configured.