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    Cambium C058910M102A ePMP Force 300-25 5GHz FCC 4pk

    Manufacturer: Cambium
    SKU: CAM-C058910M102A
    Ohio : 13
    Utah : 3
    Price: $935.68

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    FOR BEST SHIPPING RATES - ORDER IN MULTIPLES OF FOUR (4) - These units ship 4 per box.

    Force 300-25 combines the latest 802.11AC Wave2 technology and field-proven proprietary ePMP protocols to announce the first product from the next generation ePMP portfolio. Designed to operate as an affordable, yet highly reliable, point-to-point product offering 700 Mbps throughput, the Force 300-25 will also serve as a high-gain subscriber for future ePMP access points. With its introduction, Force 300-25 opens up opportunities for short- and long-haul backhauls where throughput, interference, and resiliency are important, while keeping costs down. Applications range from enterprise building-to-building connectivity to traditional WISP backhaul needs.

    Key features of ePMP Force 300-25:

    • 700 Mbps of throughput
    • 25dBi dish with feedhorn design
    • Gigabit Ethernet and built-in surge protection
    • 802.11ac Wave 2 technology with high packets-per-second performance
    • 5.1 to 5.8 band support (contingent on country regulatory requirements)
    • ePMP proprietary TDD protocol, improving performance under interference
    • cnMaestro™ management
    • WiFi management option
    • Background spectrum analyzer

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