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    Epygi QX-0RMK-0000 Rack Mounting Kit

    Manufacturer: Epygi
    SKU: EPY-QX-0RMK-0000
    Ohio : 7
    Utah : 0
    Price: $175.00

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    Epygi’s Rack Mount Kit is designed to allow multiple QX products to be mounted in various configurations. The unit can be easily installed by simply sliding the products into the rack mount and then tightening the thumb screw. All QX products are compatible with the rack kit with the exception of the QX3000 unit.

    The rack kit can hold 4 of our smaller size units (QX20, QX50, QX200, QX500, QXISDN, QXFX04, QXE1T1), or it can hold two FXS24 Gateways, or it can hold one FXS24 Gateway and two other units.

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