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    Epygi QX-ECEQ-0000 eQall Softphone

    Manufacturer: Epygi
    SKU: EPY-QX-ECEQ-0000
    Ohio : 0
    E-Delivery Product
    Utah : 0
    E-Delivery Product
    i h h
    Type : E Delivery Item

    eQall is a software phone (softphone) available for MS Windows, Apple iOS, and Android. It requires activation on the PBX unit for the application to communicate to PBX. It uses the internetfor making/receiving/transferring VoIP calls directly from your computer or mobile phone. Its easy-to-use interface functions the same way as any Epygi-supported full-featured desk phone. 1 Softphone seat per month.

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    • (3710)
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