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The KP Performance KP-900-DPOMA-45 900 MHz omni antenna is an ideal solution for NLOS, greenfield deployments, or where subscriber unit count may be limited. This dual polarized ±45-degree slant, high-gain, 900 MHz omni antenna has been proven to provide reliable performance through lab and field testing.
KP Performance Antennas' new 900MHz omni antenna operates in the 824-928 MHz frequency range and provides uniform, 360-degree coverage with a minimal azimuth ripple and 10 dBi of gain. It supports any 900MHz AP, including the Cambium PMP 450i 900 MHz AP radio for point-to-multipoint installations. This antenna has 15-degree elevation beamwidth and is able to penetrate dense foliage with 900 MHz, dual, ±45-degree slant polarization. It comes with robust mounting hardware and is available for same day shipping.
Features include: