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    Laird Technologies S24497P36TNM Dual Band Tri-mode, 2.4-5.8GHz, TNC-male

    Manufacturer: Laird Technologies
    SKU: LAI-S24497P36TNM
    Ohio : 0
    Utah : 0
    Price: $61.30

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    i h h
    Laird Technologies’ dual band tri-mode directional antenna allows the customer to install one antenna system and continue to use that one antenna system regardless of the 802.11 mode of operation or frequency band. Your customer can install and use the antenna system for 802.11b or g service today and can continue to use the antenna to support an 802.11a system if they deploy one at some later date. Customers deploying an 802.11b or g system might intend keeping those systems functioning while also deploying an 802.11a system, can deploy some number of them for b/g and at some later date deploy them for 802.11a. They can mix and match as they deploy while maintaining the same aesthetic approach for all of their antennas. Pattern shapes are uniform and symmetrical providing high levels of signal density into defined coverage zones, an important feature for high data rate, high capacity environments such as offices.

    Standard cable length is 36” and the standard connector is the reverse polarity TNC. However other coax length and connector alternatives are available as well.

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    • (3671)
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