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    Laird Technologies SR49120WDA36NM 11dBi, 120°, artic. mnt, N-male

    Manufacturer: Laird Technologies
    SKU: LAI-SR49120WDA36NM
    Ohio : 0
    Utah : 0
    Price: $166.66

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    i h h
    Cushcraft's new SR49120WDA12SMM antenna offers full frequency band coverage from 4.90 to 5.90GHz. and is designed to provide wide angle directional coverage from a wall or mast mounting location. The antenna can also be used as part of a sectorized omnidirectional base antenna with three antennas used to provide 360 degree coverage from the site.

    The antenna is enclosed in a rugged UV stabile 225 PVC radome designed to provide years of trouble free service.

    Product Technical Specifications

    Applications include any 802.11a enterprise access point indoor or outdoor system Frequency (GHz): 4.90 -5.90 deployment including educational or industrial Gain 10 dBi (nominal) campus, healthcare or transportation terminal Elevation Plane 3 dBi as well as 4.9 GHz. Homeland Security. Azimuth Plane 3 dBi. Standard configurations include a 12" coax Polarization: Linear Vertical pigtail and SMA male connector. Alternatives Weight (Antenna Only) lb.(kg): .75 (.34) are available.

    Product tags
    • (3671)
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