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LigoVision Series Designed with Surveillance Scenarios in Mind 500+ Mbps throughput - a result of powerful hardware platform with 802.11ac technology based radio and a proprietary data transmission protocol (iPoll). Incorporating a QCA 9563 CPU (750MHz), a QCA 9882 radio and 64MBytes of RAM and 16MBytes of fl ash memory the, LigoVision series devices are an ideal solution for quality and capacity demanding CCTV applications. State of the art RF design with great output power and sensitivity parameters improve range and capacity over highest the modulation - 256 QAM. The PoE out port allows to connect an additional IP camera without the need for a PoE switch, this way reducing overall network costs. iPoll and QoS mechanisms minimize latency, while prioritizing voice and video traffic. iPoll with triple play support and uplink enhancements enables more cameras to be deployed in network/or higher image quality cameras to be deployed using the same hardware generation.