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    QuWireless AX12M 2xLTE Directional+Dual Band WIFi Omni+GPS+Bluetooth for RUTX12/X14

    Manufacturer: QuWireless

    • • 4G LTE
    • • 2.4/5 GHz
    • • Bluetooth
    • • GPS
    • • 4x4 MMO

    SKU: QUW-AX12M
    Ohio : 10
    Utah : 0
    Price: $194.00

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    Integrated MIMO 4x4 multi-band LTE directional antenna + Wi-Fi omni antennas + GPS antenna + Bluetooth antenna + place to install Teltonika RUTX12 or RUTX14 (All-in-one)

    QuMax MIMO 4x4 directional LTE antenna (4x SMA connector for 2x embedded LTE modems or 1x MIMO 4x4 TE modem) for Teltonika RUTX12 and RUTX14 routers is a perfect outdoor device for mobile and fixed installations like industrial, CCTV, hotspots etc. It also has embedded Wi-Fi dual band 2.4 & 5 GHz omni antennas, GPS antenna and Bluetooth antenna. It is designed to have Teltonika RUTX12 or RUTX14 router installed inside IP67 enclosure. If you use RUTX12 with QuMax antenna, you get an integrated complete solution with embedded router and multi band antennas in one enclosure.

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