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    RACOM RAy3-24E-L RAy3 IPLINK 24GHz, Lower

    Manufacturer: RACOM
    SKU: RAC-RAY3-24E-L
    Ohio : 2
    Utah : 0
    Price: $2,299.00

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    RAy is a high-speed point-to-point microwave link, ideal for establishing robust links in the most challenging conditions.

    This Full Outdoor Software Defined Radio with Linux OS, is designed for high performance links with maximum reliability, exceptional system gain and resistance to disturbances. All relevant state-of-the-art concepts have been carefully implemented without compromise.

    RAy is well proven within the market since 2009 in thousands of installations in tens of countries from the poles to the equator.

    RAy3, the 3rd generation of RAy, with possibility of asymmetric channels and 1 Gbps FDD is the top equipment for license free bands.

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