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SoftCinch 1188-1 SPACEMAKER Horizontal Cable manager

Manufacturer: SoftCinch
SKU: SOF-1188-1
Ohio : 0
Utah : 0
Price: $39.00

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Install 50% more equipment on existing racks.

  • Saves up to 80% install labor time
  • Requires no rack space - Zero-U!
  • For new installs or retrofits
  • Minimum bend radius maintained with VELCRO
  • Cables supported out in front of metal rack - maintains part access
  • Supports cables at back of rack
  • No need to disconnect existing terminations - eliminates risk of moving panels, cables and electronics.
    1. Back off screws
    2. Slide unit under screw heads
    3. Re-tighten
  • Cable management for 24 to 96 ports
  • Knock-off mounting tabs fit all equipment - uses standard rack screw-hole pattern
  • Multiple Zero-U Spacemakers can be mounted on top of another or upside down

Physical Specifications:
Dimensions: 5.25"H x 19.61"W x 3.75"D
Capacity: Effectively Handles 24 cords or jumpers
Materials: 16 gauge steel. Black powder coat finish
Mounting: 19" rack mountable

Product tags
  • (3667)
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