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12-508 5.8GHz 802.11a 500mWatt Amplifier (Outdoor)
This 802.11a 500mWatt amplifier is ideal for increasing the range of 802.11a radio devices and to compensate for cable loss in certain installations.
Designed for extending the range of wireless radio devices requiring high linearity amplfiication and is particularly effective when used with 802.11a Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) radio devices. This unit provides the transmit power amplification as well as receive signal gain.
Technical Specifications
500mW Outdoor
Operating Range:
5725-5875 MHz
Operating Mode:
Bi-directional, TDD
Transmit Gain:
Frequency Response:
± 1 dB
Output Power:
500mW (27dBm) @ 10dBm input
TX Input Power:
1mW (0dBm) min, 10 mW (10dBm) max
Receiver Gain:
12 dB typical
Noise Figure:
3.5 dB typical
LED Inidicators:
Solid On: Power and Receiving mode Off: No Power
Blinking: Transmitting
N-type Female
Lightning Protection:
Direct DC ground at antenna
DC Surge Protection:
600 Watts TVS @ 12 VDC
Power Consumption:
1.5A @ 12 VDC
Operating Temperature:
-30 °C to + 70 °C