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Data Surge Protector SPD CPX Wall Mount, Wall Mount Kit Transtector data surge protector SPD CPX wall mount, wall mount kit surge protector / arrester (also known as data line surge protection device as well as transient voltage surge suppressor or TVSS ) accessory is in-stock. Not only is our surge protector / suppressor accessory in stock, it will ship same business day as purchased. This industrial surge protecting accessory for Transtector data line power spike suppression products works to help prevent damage from energy spikes that can be caused by lightning and other strong electrical power. Transtector provides one of the largest selections of same-day ship industrial power surge protection devices. Like our data surge protector SPD CPX wall mount, wall mount kit, we ship our other power spike suppression devices from in-stock inventory same-day as purchased. Transtector supports our customers with a sense of urgency while providing innovative power and signal solutions that ensure reliable operation of critical systems for a connected world.